We provide a safe space that empowers children, women, and men of all walks of life to engage in conversation around topics they may not usually discuss.  Our conversations are free of judgement and we look to be courageous and compassionate when we're sharing space with one another, diminishing the stigma around talking openly and being vulnerable.  

We create spaces that empower, encourage play and action, and promote healthy living.

"You have brains in your head.  You have feet in  your shoes.  You can steer yourself any direction you choose."  ~ Dr. Seuss

WEPALive's Summer Reading Club has come to an end!...Thank you to all who joined Cuentos con La Cuca Tunga!  We enjoyed having you!!

Let's be courageous about what we do in community that can help us grow closer and stronger, so we can rebuild the communities around us!

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